距離開課大概還有(2013/01/16)大致上還有2個月,不過得在12月中通過資格考才行,雖然名稱為「大數據分析及系統設計班」,不過課程上主要有三大部分,分別是Java手機程式開發、Net Web程式開發及SQL資料庫管理、Python Web數據分析。課程上,後面兩個在學校都有修過課程,理論上應該是可以再複習一下,至於Java部分,可能就得要多花一些時間練習才行。稍微查了一下近年Java認證的考試內容,乖乖,和我當初接觸時已經有很大的不同,不過畢竟這是長時的訓練,至於能學到多少?可能還是得要入班後才能知道。目前有關Java認證的途徑如下表:
由於沒考過Java認證考試,因此得需要從Exam Number: 1Z0-819開始才行,這看起來像是給自己挖了一個洞跳,不過計畫已經排定,只好還是要有些準備才行。其考試內容包涵了下面這些:
Working with Java data types
- Use primitives and wrapper classes, including, operators, parentheses, type promotion and casting
- Handle text using String and StringBuilder classes
- Use local variable type inference, including as lambda parameters
Controlling Program Flow
- Create and use loops, if/else, and switch statements
Java Object-Oriented Approach
- Declare and instantiate Java objects including nested class objects, and explain objects’ lifecycles (including creation, dereferencing by reassignment, and garbage collection)
- Define and use fields and methods, including instance, static and overloaded methods
- Initialize objects and their members using instance and static initialiser statements and constructors
- Understand variable scopes, apply encapsulation and make objects immutable
- Create and use subclasses and superclasses, including abstract classes
- Utilize polymorphism and casting to call methods, differentiate object type versus reference type
- Create and use interfaces, identify functional interfaces, and utilize private, static, and default methods
- Create and use enumerations
Exception Handling
- Handle exceptions using try/catch/finally clauses, try-with-resource, and multi-catch statements
- Create and use custom exceptions
Working with Arrays and Collections
- Use generics, including wildcards
- Use a Java array and List, Set, Map and Deque collections, including convenience methods
- Sort collections and arrays using Comparator and Comparable interfaces
Working with Streams and Lambda expressions
- Implement functional interfaces using lambda expressions, including interfaces from the java.util.function package
- Use Java Streams to filter, transform and process data
- Perform decomposition and reduction, including grouping and partitioning on sequential and parallel streams
Java Platform Module System
- Deploy and execute modular applications, including automatic modules
- Declare, use, and expose modules, including the use of services
- Create worker threads using Runnable and Callable, and manage concurrency using an ExecutorService and java.util.concurrent API
- Develop thread-safe code, using different locking mechanisms and java.util.concurrent API
Java I/O API
- Read and write console and file data using I/O Streams
- Implement serialization and deserialization techniques on Java objects
- Handle file system objects using java.nio.file API
Secure Coding in Java SE Application
- Develop code that mitigates security threats such as denial of service, code injection, input validation and ensure data integrity
- Secure resource access including filesystems, manage policies and execute privileged code
Database Applications with JDBC
- Connect to and perform database SQL operations, process query results using JDBC API
- Implement Localization using Locale, resource bundles, and Java APIs to parse and format messages, dates, and numbers
- Create, apply, and process annotations
目前查詢Oracle最新的考試狀態,OCP Java SE 11 Programmer I 考試 1Z0-815 和 Programmer II 考試 1Z0-816 已於 2020 年 10 月 1 日停用,Oracle 推出了新的 Developer 考試 1Z0-819 來取代先前的考試。升級考試 1Z0-817 保持不變。我想,先到學校圖書館或校外查詢一下看是否有書籍可借,若沒有,再考慮購買的方式。