On this land, Our boots hit the earth. Firmly and steadily, Like the country’s pulse. The Republic of China has been through challenges like storms.
Ministry of National Defense, R.O.C.
中華民國曾歷經風雨、挑戰,但依然屹立不搖。這塊土地的力量,來自於我們,每一位堅守國土的人。 在國家需要我們的時候,挺身而出。 如此,當年歲漸長,35歲的你、45歲的你,就不用擔心。永遠都有一個18歲的人,為你醒著。
The Republic of China has faced challenges like storms, and yet she still stands strong. The power in this land comes from each of us, everyone protecting the territory. When our country calls us, we step forward. So, as you age, whether as a 35-year-old man or a 45-year-old man, there is no need to worry, for there will always be 18-year-old men staying awake for you.
軍聞社 Military News Agency, ROC(Taiwan)